
Walk on and the path will reveal itself

Escrito por Ignacio Gorupicz
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Some weeks ago, I started spreading some thoughts in one of the social media networks most commonly used by professionals. In the midst of that, I felt the need to find counter intuitive senses to usual expressions. For example, instead of stating “To share I first have to trust”, we could try and reverse that way of thinking. That led me to write down some ideas inspired by the Christian greeting under the title “To trust we have to share”.

Then I realized that the Christian greeting was the first introductory rite of the Mass. So I felt the need to write brief notes about each rite of the Mass. This led me to write down about the second rite which is the penitential act: “To repent we have to acknowledge”. I shared a reflection by the priest Mike Schmitz who says that Christianity is what we do with ourselves. 

I prepared the third post and uploaded it to that social network. The post was titled “To encourage we have to guide”. The post seemed insufficient, so I erased it. Then I felt the need to, rather than talking about doing something, actually getting it done. So, I uploaded another post describing the retreats Entretiempo which are organized by many members of the Christian Association of Business Executives. Then I felt the need to share some open activities to grow the community Faith in the WhatsApp group of the parish where I attend Mass. I wrote a brief email with options for adoration, Rosary and retreats and I shared it with a group of around fifty people with whom we share Mass. Thus, I felt the need to write an article for the ACDE Magazine called Revista Empresa.

It had not occurred to me that I could follow that sequence of events from the outset. This thought inspired me to choose the title of this article or should I say: I felt the need to…

Sobre el autor

Ignacio Gorupicz

Socio en McKinsey & Company. MBA Stanford University. Master en Finanzas UTDT. Contador y Licenciado en Administración (UBA). Vicepresidente Primero ACDE y Presidente del Encuentro Anual ACDE 2021.

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