
We have to share to multiply

Escrito por Ignacio Gorupicz
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A short while ago, I was handed a book of meditations titled “On your day…” written by Diego Alberto Solano. I liked the reflections and I bought 10 copies to give away as gifts. I had already chosen three recipients: the people who work at home. Then there were seven left who had no recipients assigned. I went to a Claretiana Publishing House bookstore with the intention of handing those 7 books so they could gift them to the customers who purchased some other item. After some thought I came to the conclusion that It was not such a good idea to give away spirituality books in a Catholic bookshop that sells them to make a living. Therefore, the book seller recommended leaving them on the pews of a church nearby. It was not a bad idea, but a few minutes later the same book seller suggested an even better one: he could take the books himself to Avellaneda and hand them to some nuns who would surely know who to give them to. One of the first three books that I gave away went to Agustina’s hands. Two weeks went by and yesterday she made me listen to some homilies by Father Luis Zazano ( She told me she receives these homilies by Whatsapp and she listens to them with my two sons during the day.

In the multiplication of the loaves and fish parable, Jesus multiplies the food in order to feed a crowd of five thousand people who followed Him. It is only in St John’s Gospel (John 6:1-15) that we can read about a boy who goes almost unnoticed in the story. This is the boy who offers the five small barley loaves and the two small fish he has. All the miracles that Jesus performed required the faith of those who requested them, but this miracle in particular also required the generosity of that boy.

Those who share, multiply. 

Sobre el autor

Ignacio Gorupicz

Socio en McKinsey & Company. MBA Stanford University. Master en Finanzas UTDT. Contador y Licenciado en Administración (UBA). Vicepresidente Primero ACDE y Presidente del Encuentro Anual ACDE 2021.

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